Privacy for More Rights - Open Gov #18 | Datasketch
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Privacy for More Rights - Open Gov #18

Data misuse violates human rights, particularly in social assistance projects. Therefore, regulatory frameworks and usage recommendations are necessary for democracy and inclusive growth.

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Data misuse violates human rights, particularly in social assistance projects. Therefore, regulatory frameworks and usage recommendations are necessary for democracy and inclusive growth. Read this issue in your browser.

For a secure development

Privacy International (PI) investigated the harm to privacy and dignity from the use of data in social welfare projects during the pandemic. To do so, it evaluated projects that the World Bank designed and funded in low- and middle-income countries.

PI suggests pre-project due diligence, data protection legislation, and mitigation measures for personal data security incidents. Dignity and access to social protection should not be at odds.

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Rules of use

Data protection and privacy are at risk in the absence of regulatory frameworks. That’s why, in the United States, fifty civil rights organizations and consumer advocates drafted a joint statement promoting the vote on the Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) in the House of Representatives.

The ADPPA covers the protection of data, especially of children and youth, the testing of discriminatory algorithmic bias, and the right to bring individual claims to legal proceedings.

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Informed contracting

Open Contracting Partnership has a procurement data use case guide. It outlines the priority fields to collect and publish and which indicators to calculate for use, analysis and decision-making.

Recommendations for leveraging data draw from the experience of OCP and its Standard, the OCDS, on key and correlated use cases, such as market opportunities, public integrity, value for money, internal efficiency and service delivery.

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