Legal abortion | Datasketch
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Legal abortion

According to World Abortion Laws, in 9 of 37 countries in the Americas abortion is legal or decriminalized without any restrictions. The white dots represent these countries. The USA is included in the 9, but has not been taken into account due to the restrictions of its States.

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The World’s Abortion Laws project of the Center for Reproductive Rights tracks the legal status of abortion in countries around the world. It classifies countries according to the following categories:

  • Permitted on request
  • According to social and economic grounds
  • To preserve health
  • To save the woman’s life
  • Completely prohibited.

Voluntary termination of pregnancy is legal or decriminalized in countries with the classification of abortion on request, which in the Americas are Uruguay, Cuba, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guyana, French Guiana, Argentina, and Colombia.

The right to abortion is a right that is under constant threat, so in 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that there is no constitutional right to abortion, leaving the decision of whether or not to allow the termination of pregnancy to the States. This is why we have not taken it into account in our design.

Consult the abortion situation in the countries of the Americas here and start making your own graphics.

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