Plants from Bogota | Datasketch
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Plants from Bogota

Did you know that Bogota is home to at least 600 species of flora and that the city has 15 wetlands?

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Did you know that Bogota is home to at least 600 species of flora and that the city has 15 wetlands? This design wants to highlight the plants found in 4 different ecosystems of Bogota.

  • The first row represents the páramo, where we find the frailejón, rodamonte and the purple rosemary.
  • In the second row is the Andean forest represented by the pegamosco, the potato and the Bogotá tea or palo blanco.
  • The third row corresponds to the wetlands and is represented by the margarita de pantano, barbasco and botoncillo.
  • In the fourth is the subxerophytic biome of the Cundiboyacense highlands with the prickly pear cactus, gurrubo and penca.

The selection of the species that make up this design was made taking into account the following sources of information:

  1. Bolaños T. and Díaz- Manzano D. (2009). Ciudad-Región de Bogotá: ecosistemas y flujos. Bogotá: Universidad Piloto. Retrieved from
  2. Mariano Ospina Rodríguez (2003). El páramo de Sumapaz un ecosistema estratégico para Bogotá. Bogota: Sociedad Geográfica Colombiana. Retrieved from:
  3. Calvachi Zambrano, B. (2012). Los ecosistemas semisecos del altiplano cundiboyacense, bioma azonal singular de Colombia, en gran riesgo de desaparición. Revista Mutis, 2 (2), 26-59. Retrieved from:
  4. Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca - CAR (2017). Biodiversity of the Bogotá River. Orarbo. Retrieved from:
  5. Botanical Garden of Bogota (2022). JBB Herbarium. Retrieved from:
  6. Botanical Garden of Bogota (2022). Common names: plants of Bogotá. Retrieved from: